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October 2024


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The registration period for the Latin American Symposium on Reproductive Ecology, Recruitment and Fisheries, VI SIBECORP, is still open

  • The sixth edition of the congress will be held from November 11th to 15th both face-to-face and on-line. It is organized by IPMA and IEO-CSIC with the support of the INVIPESCA Network

The registration period for the VI Latin American Symposium on Reproductive Ecology, Recruitment and Fisheries, SIBECORP, is still open. Organized by the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, (IPMA) and the Spanish Institute for Oceanography (IEO-CSIC), the congress will take place from 11th to 15th November 2024 in Lisbon. It counts on the support of the Latin American Network for Research on Sustainable Use of Fishery Resources INVIPESCA, whose technical secretariat lays on CETMAR.

It is possible to attend the symposium, to be held at IPMA in Algés (Oeiras), both in person and on-line. The program of this edition is already available on the congress website.

The VI SIBECORP is structured in four thematic sessions on reproductive strategies of aquatic organisms, reproductive potential and resilience, recruitment and reproductive success, and reproductive ecology and fisheries management. Also, there will be two workshops to address, on the one hand, climate change and resilience of stocks, and on the other, the role of women in fisheries science.

Henrique Cabral, PhD. In Biology and Research Director at the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), will open the congress with the lecture “Effects of climatic alterations on the reproduction and recruitment of species of fishery interest: the case of the Northwest Atlantic”.

Side events

In addition to the five days with the four thematic sessions and the two workshops, the VI SIBECORP will include two pre-symposium courses and one post-symposium course available for all the registered participants. Places are limited, so those interested in attending should send a registration request to the following e-mail

The first course is scheduled for November 7th with a face-to-face or on-line participation, and will deal with the application of molecular genetic tools in ecology and fisheries. It will be given by Ana Veríssimo, PhD. (CIBIO-InBIO) and Pilar Cabezas, PhD. both from the University of Porto. There are around 25 and 30 places available. There has been a modification of the timetable to be held from 14:30 to 18:30 (Portuguese time) to enable the on-line participation of researchers and students from Latin American countries.

The second pre-symposium course will address the selection, acquisition, and processing of oceanographic data by Ana Machado, PhD. from IPMA. It will be held on November 8th, from 14:30 to 16:30 (Portuguese time), with a face-to-face or on-line participation for 20 attendees.

The program is completed with a post-symposium course on the application of natural markers in fisheries science by Tatsuya Sakamoto PhD., João Neves PhD., and Inês Farias, PhD. This course will consist on a two-hour theory part (face-to-face and on-line) from 10:00 to 12:00 (Portuguese time) and a three-hour practical part (face-to-face) from 13:00 to 16:00 (Portuguese time). This course will be offered in English, on November 18th for just 15 participants.

There are still places available in these courses for both researchers and students.

During the VI SIBECORP two prizes will be awarded: one for the Best Paper by Junior Researchers and another for the Best Paper by Graduate or Doctoral Students, recognizing the best contributions in the categories of oral and poster presentation. As well, on November 13th there will be an on-site mentoring session for young researchers.

All information is available at the symposium website.

New management

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The Council of the Galician regional government (Xunta) informs of the appointment of ms. Rosa Chapela as the new managing director of the Technology Centre of the Sea-CETMAR Foundation

  • With a PhD in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, she has been since 2002 the Head of the Fisheries Socioeconomics Department of the entity, which depends on the Regional Department of Maritime Affairs (Consellería do Mar).

The Council of the Xunta informed today of the appointment, made in the extraordinary board of trustees held this morning, of Rosa Chapela as the new managing director of the Technology Centre of the Sea-CETMAR Foundation in substitution of Paloma Rueda, who had this responsibility since 2009. PhD in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and postgraduate degree in Fisheries Economics from the same university, she works as Head of the Fisheries Socioeconomics Department at the Technology Centre of the Sea-Cetmar Foundation since 2002.

The new managing director of the entity, dependent on the Consellería do Mar, began her career as a technical advisor for legal issues at the Galician Regional Government’s Fisheries Department. Since 2013, she is the geographical expert and contact for Spain in the European network FARNET, a support unit for DG Mare in participatory local development through the local fisheries action groups. From CETMAR, she led and participated in numerous European projects on fisheries sustainability, competitiveness and value chains, participatory local development, climate change, women in fisheries, etc.,  collaborating with many teams from different European countries, as well as from Brazil and South Africa.

She collaborated with international organizations such as FAO and IUCN. She contributed to international cooperation projects, focusing on the participation and empowerment of women in fisheries and aquaculture in countries such as Vietnam and Senegal, as well as to twinning projects for the harmonization of fisheries legislation in Romania and Bulgaria. Considering her experience in fisheries policy, aquaculture governance and sustainable development, she coordinated meetings and events with public managers and stakeholders in the European fisheries sector, both national and international.

In addition to her participation in other European projects to boost the socio-economic impact of fisheries and aquaculture, such as the Emodnet Network or the European Observatory for the Blue Economy, she has publications and presentations at congresses on governance of fisheries and aquaculture, the legal management of the coastline, the role of women in fisheries, or the blue economy.


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Galicia Regional Government (Xunta) advances on the new agreement with the Aixola Training Centre for next academic year

The Director General for Fisheries Development, Marta Villaverde, visited the A Aixola Training Centre in the Port of Marín (Pontevedra) to see first-hand the work in the different ongoing training activities, as well as its facilities. In addition, the regional director discussed with the centre’s managers about a new agreement and the training offer for the next academic year.

The director toured the different workshops of the centre and highlighted the educational quality. The centre, managed by the Consellería do Mar through the Centro Tecnológico del Mar-Fundación CETMAR, has achieved excellent results in terms of employability of the students. In fact, in 2023 most of the students who sought employment entered the labour market after their training, while the rest continued their formative itinerary, achieving about 70% of employability.

A Aixola has planned seven training courses this year. The offer consisted on 84 places for students linked to the fishing sector. Making a total of 1,600 hours of training for free, the classes will benefit fishing operators, shellfish gatherers, their spouses or people with qualifications or certificates for working in the fishing sector.


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Galicia Regional Government (Xunta) supports the 26th ForoAcui, focused on innovation in aquaculture and bivalve mollusc farming, and where CETMAR will play a crucial role

  • The event will take place on the 9th and 10th of October at Auditorio Municipal de O Grove.  There are several workshops planned to address different areas like research, with a prominent position of Centro Tecnológico del Mar
  • There was a presentation of the book that compiles the last edition, which pays tribute to the people and entities that supported the event along 25 years. The book will be available on the website

The General Director of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Technological Innovation, Antonio Basanta, yesterday presented the Forum of Marine Resources and Aquaculture of the Galician Rías focused on innovation in aquaculture and bivalve mollusc farming. Together with the Association of Marine Resources and Aquaculture of the Galician Rías, which organizes the event supported by the Xunta, Mr. Basanta stressed the importance of this forum where researchers, representatives of the economic sectors, administration, and social entities share analysis and prospects of fishing activity.

The event will take place on the 9th and 10th of October at Auditorio Municipal de O Grove and registration is available until 7th October. The two-day event will host workshops where some experts address different areas like research. Along with small-scale fisheries, shellfish gathering, industry and aquaculture, Centro Tecnológico del Mar-Fundación CETMAR – dependent on the Galicia Regional Government, will play a crucial role.

On the other hand, there was a presentation of the summary book of the 25th edition of ForoAcui. It was a special edition where tribute was paid to the people and entities that significantly supported this event and made it possible to celebrate 25 years. It contains more than 50 articles covering the latest scientific and technical aspects of aquaculture and marine resources, as well as the presentations of a special conference on the evolution of fisheries and aquaculture production over the last 25 years. This book, and the previous ones, has open access and is available for downloading in the publication’s sections at There, you can also see the talks given at the last editions of the Congress.

International Cooperation

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Fundación CETMAR collaborates with FAO in the professionalization of the fisheries sector in São Tomé e Príncipe

  • The Centro Tecnológico del Mar will work to recognize the fishermen’s skills and to design two vessels adapted to the needs of small-scale fishing. It will be developed within the framework of the FISH4ACP program ‘Unlocking the potential of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific’.
  • Two experts from CETMAR are participating in a mission to the African country to carry out fieldwork and learn first-hand the fishermen’s work and the environmental conditions of the fishing activity.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization  of the United Nations implements this action, funded by the European Union and the German Federal Department  for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación CETMAR will collaborate with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in a program to improve the fishing sector of São Tomé e Príncipe by professionalizing fisheries and optimizing vessels.

Two experts from the institution, dependent on the Galicia regional government,  travel to the African country as part of the work for the FISH4ACP  program. This program, ‘Unlocking the potential of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific’, seeks to make the fisheries and aquaculture value chains more sustainable.

Regarding São Tomé e Príncipe the strategy includes, among others, developing and strengthening the skills and organization of stakeholders and increasing the infrastructure and equipment of the fishing sector. The task will be carried out by the officers of the International Cooperation Area of CETMAR, which renders this service to the FAO.

After a bibliographic review and meetings with managers from FAO and relevant institutions in fisheries, such as the Direção das Pescas e Aquicultura, two experts from CETMAR are travelling to São Tomé e Príncipe for fieldwork.

They aim at getting to know the working conditions of fishermen and palaiês (fish traders), their activity and the professional profiles required, as well as to analyze the conditions of fishing activity and to visit some shipyards. During the fieldwork, they will be constantly supported by workers from the local NGO Mar, Ambiente e Pesca Artesanal (Marapa), with considerable experience in the area.

The mission runs from today, 30th September, until 4th October. It will include working meetings with representatives of the institutions and administrations responsible for fisheries in São Tomé and Príncipe.

The objective of CETMAR is to promote the recognition of the skills acquired by fishing professionals in their work and to lay the foundations of qualification programs towards an acceptable labour insertion, extending the basic competences of coastal fishermen.

CETMAR will also work on the identification of needs, design and definition of constructive solutions to build two prototypes of boats for small-scale fisheries. They must fulfil standards of ergonomics and safety, and be adapted to the fishing gears, preserving the cultural identity of the fishing communities of São Tomé e Príncipe.

The FISH4ACP program, which includes the work assigned by FAO to CETMAR, is funded by the European Union and the German Federal Department for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).