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January 2025

Board of Trustees

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CETMAR closes the year with 52 projects and services underway and a budget for 2025 of over 4.5 million euro.

  • The Head of the Regional Department for Marine Issues today chaired a joint meeting of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees where the action plan and the centre’s budget for 2025 were approved.
  • The Technology Centre of the Sea closes a year after working on more than sixty actions linked to marine governance, marine observation, resource management, training and international cooperation, among other.

The Board of Trustees of the Technology Centre of the Sea -CETMAR Foundation met this morning at the headquarters in Vigo chaired by the Head of the Regional Department for Marine Issues, Mr. Alfonso Villares, as the vice president. The managing director of CETMAR, Mrs. Rosa Chapela, summarized the year 2024 and presented the action plan and budget for 2025, which exceeds 4.5 million euro.

The institution, dependent from the Regional Department for Marine Issues, is currently working on 52 projects and services, mostly internationally, related to marine governance, the fight against marine pollution, marine resource management, training, international cooperation, marine observation and the promotion and transfer of technology, among others.

The managing director of CETMAR explained to the Board of Trustees the actions developed in 2024 by the experts of the Galician institution, who were involved in 62 projects and services, most of which will continue throughout 2025.

In addition, CETMAR is awaiting the resolution of eight new proposals submitted recently to different calls.

CETMAR maintains the working line on the fight against marine pollution in projects such as Frene Litter AT, focused on the prevention, monitoring and reduction of marine litter, or BlueWWater, for the treatment, control and reduction of microplastics and emerging pollutants.

Regarding marine governance, CETMAR works in different projects and services related to marine spatial planning -REMAP-MSP, POEM- and in different support tasks for the Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) under the European Commission, as well as to the FLAGs, as a service of the Regional Department for Marine Issues.

Most of the projects and services on the management of marine resources that CETMAR developed last year will continue in 2025, such as: Transformar, seeking solutions for to climate change adaptation in Galicia, in the mussel and shellfish sector, and Apromex, supporting CIMA in the analysis of mussel seed stocks.

In the same field, CETMAR is developing, together with two large consortia, European projects to minimize and eliminate bycatch of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species (LIFE Cibbrina) and to reduce bycatch of marine mega fauna – birds, turtles, elasmobranches and cetacean.

CETMAR will continue in 2025 with the maintenance tasks for the Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia (Regional Government), and with the data analysis from the involvement in the European Marine Observation and Data Network (Emodnet), in the European Observatory for Fishery and Aquaculture Products (Eumofa) or in the European Observatory of the Blue Economy.

Reunión de EUROFISH

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A directora-xerente do CETMAR participará como relatora invitada na reunión anual dos países socios de EUROFISH en Copenhague

A directora-xerente do Centro Tecnolóxico do Mar-Fundación CETMAR, Rosa Chapela Pérez, participará como relatora invitada na reunión anual dos países membros de EUROFISH, que terá lugar o vindeiro xoves 30 de xaneiro na sede da asociación internacional en Copenhague.

Neste encontro participarán arredor de medio cento de representantes dos ministerios con competencias en pesca e acuicultura dos 13 países membros e socios de EUROFISH, que abordarán, entre outros asuntos, o programa de traballo e o presuposto da entidade para este 2025, ademais de facer balance das actividades desenvolvidas o ano anterior.

Como ven sendo tradición na reunión anual de EUROFISH, a axenda deste encontro de traballo complétase con dous relatorios, un a cargo dun membro da propia organización internacional, e outro a cargo dun experto externo, que nesta edición corre a cargo da directora-xerente de CETMAR, quen acudirá en representación de Galicia.

Rosa Chapela falará así sobre o impacto socioeconómico da pesca e da acuicultura en Europa e máis concretamente en Galicia, centrándose na importancia de realizar estudios de impacto socioeconómico en ambos sectores para unha mellor toma de decisións informada por parte dos xestores públicos.

Así mesmo, falará dos poucos exemplos de estudios de impacto social e económico que poden ter as comunidades costeiras ante un recorte nas cuotas de pesca, entre eles os realizados pola administración galega con datos aportados por expertos de economía pesqueira da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

A directora de CETMAR incidirá así na necesidade de considerar datos económicos e sociais conxuntamente cos datos biolóxicos e ecolóxicos na toma de decisións, o que contribuirá a unha xestión más sostible da pesca e á mellora do benestar das comunidades pesqueiras, e citará  outros exemplos sobre os estudios de impacto económico nos que está a traballar a administración galega, relacionados coa economía azul de Galicia, á ordenación espacial mariña para marisqueo, pesca e acuicultura ou o impacto dos proxectos dos grupos de acción local de pesca nas comunidades litorais, entre outros.

O relatorio está previsto para este xoves día 31 de xaneiro ás 14:30 horas, trala intervención de Søren Espersen Schrøder, membro de Eurofish, quen presentará unha nova ferramenta para axudar á toma de decisións nas empresas de produtos do mar.

EUROFISH é unha organización internacional que traballa para contribuír ao desenvolvemento sostible do sector pesqueiro e acuícola; promover o comercio de produtos pesqueiros de alta calidade e valor engadido e facilitar a transferencia de información e coñecemento.

Para cumprir os seus obxectivos, a organización publica información relacionada co sector na revista Eurofish e na súa páxina web, e organiza xornadas, obradoiros, seminarios e encontros entre empresas. Ademais, desenvolve proxectos nos ámbitos da pesca, a acuicultura, os mercados e o comercio.

Actualmente os países membros de EUROFISH son Albania, Croacia, Dinamarca, Estonia, Hungría, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Noruega, Polonia, Romanía, Turquía e España.

Marine Environment Observation

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The Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia (Regional Government) improves its ocean-meteorologic stations network with a new observation platform in the Rande bridge

  • The new infrastructure will incorporate sensors and technological solutions developed within the Galician Marine Sciences Programme by the IEO-CSIC, IIM-CSIC and the University of Vigo
  • The station will be fully operational before the summer, joining the other five stations in A Garda, Cíes, Muros, Ribeira and Cortegada

CETMAR has installed a new platform for the observation of the marine environment in one of the concrete dolphins of the Rande bridge, in the Ría de Vigo, with the collaboration of the Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño-Intecmar and the Galician Marine Sciences Programme.

This infrastructure will improve the monitoring of biogeochemical parameters of the Galician ocean-meteorological stations network of the Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia.  Up to now it was focused on monitoring classical parameters such as wind, sea temperature or salinity. The network is made up by six automatic platforms, like the A Garda, Cíes, Muros and Ribeira buoys, the Rande station and the Cortegada platform.

The new structure will be the basis to integrate the advances in the observation of marine environment obtained in the Galician Marine Sciences Program. In fact, this area constitutes one of the main pillars. The joint effort of the entities is allowing the development of technologies and methodologies to obtain better data on the marine environment efficiently.

Installed in one of the concrete dolphins of the Rande bridge, the station will enable the monitoring of biogeochemical variables by integrating different sensors and technologies whose prototype is already operational in Dávila Marina in Bouzas, in the Port of Vigo. They will measure continuously some essential oceanographic variables such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen in the water, pH, fluorescence, or radon concentration, through the collection of data throughout the water column.

With the collaboration of the Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia, and particularly Intecmar, CETMAR enables this new infrastructure to install measuring equipment continuously and autonomously. Developed with an open access by different Galician research organizations, the maintenance is assumed by CETMAR just like the other stations.

The work of CETMAR, under the Regional Department of Maritime Affairs, is part of the collaboration agreement signed in 2021 between the abovementioned organism and the Regional Department for the Environment and Climate Change. This department coordinates the work developed since 2008 by MeteoGalicia, Intecmar and CETMAR, enabling the activity of the Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia and the contribution to an efficient management of extreme events, resilience to climate change and sustainable management of marine resources.

The Coastal Observatory of the Xunta de Galicia not only provides data, but also quality and useful predictions for research and sustainable management of the marine environment.  It also supplies the necessary information for emergency management, thanks to the daily work of MeteoGalicia and Intecmar. Regarding maritime rescue, it is an indispensable support for Gardacostas de Galicia (regional coastguard service) and Salvamento Marítimo (national maritime rescue), and a key piece to execute the territorial contingency plan for accidental marine pollution in Galicia (Camgal).

The information from the sea obtained by the observatory’s infrastructures facilitates the sustainable development of the productive sectors, offering information on the salinity decrease and the temperature increase, supporting studies on the production areas and generating value-added products for the general population (information on beaches, ports, etc.) or for specific sectors of the blue economy.

About the Galician Marine Sciences Programme

The Galician Marine Sciences Programme is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary scientific initiative to address the challenges of global change and is committed to the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems in Galicia. It is part of the complementary science plans of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR-C17.I1). It is financed through the Xunta de Galicia with Next Generation EU funds and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund of the European Union.