CETMAR starts a new project in Peru to contribute to the diversification of small-scale fisheries and the adaptation to climate change
- The VerTyCe project, funded by the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government) through Cooperación Galega, is supported by the Peruvian Ministry of Production
- Two experts from CETMAR will travel to Sechura, Los Órganos and Cabo Blanco, in the department of Piura, during the first week of December to implement the activities planned in the project
The Technology Centre of the Sea – CETMAR, dependent of the Regional Department for Marine Issues, starts a new project in Peru to contribute to the adaptation to climate change of small-scale fisheries in the Department of Piura through a strategy focused on diversifying the sector.
Funded by the Xunta de Galicia through Cooperación Galega and supported by the Peruvian Ministry of Production (also called Produce) through the General Directorate of Small-Scale Fisheries (DGPA), Cetmar will continue the work developed lately in the Bay of Sechura with the Acuipesca Peru project. Now, it will promote actions to help producers and traders to reactivate the economy by improving the marketing system and creating initiatives linked to maritime-fishing tourism.
Two experts from CETMAR’s International Cooperation area will travel to Piura in the first week of December to launch the first activities of the project. They are focused firstly on the analysis of the current marketing system and the evaluation of the critical points and opportunities. To this effect, they will meet with representatives of the General Directorate of Small-Scale Fisheries of Produce, the Municipality of Sechura and two local associations of women marketers.
Secondly, the field mission will be devoted to a participatory diagnosis of the tourism potential of small-scale fishing communities in the Department of Piura. Contacts are planned with fishermen’s associations, municipalities and promoters of maritime-fishing tourism initiatives based on the small-scale fishing traditions in Los Órganos and Cabo Blanco.
The VerTyCe project will be developed over the next six months aimed at strengthening the improvement of commercialisation through women-led enterprises and establishing the conditions for sustainable tourism initiatives, thus diversifying the local fishing economy in the department of Piura.
The planned programme will be completed with actions to strengthen the technical skills of six representatives of the Ministries of Production and Foreign Trade and Tourism, as well as of the municipalities. In this way, once the project is finished, the promotion of initiatives to improve the marketing system and the maritime tourism will be guaranteed.