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Balance #MarineScienciesGal

By 13 March, 2025 No Comments

The Marine Science Program consolidates Galicia as a benchmark in the field of science, knowledge, and innovation

  • The tools and technologies developed allow optimizing and strengthening the production of seafood and aquaculture products sustainably, boosting the country’s blue economy.
  • With a budget of 10 million euros, 4 million are contributed by the Xunta, co-financed by FEMPA.
  • Up to now, 110 milestones out of the 233 planned have been completed, and thirty publications of national and international relevance have been disseminated

The government of the Xunta reported on the implementation of the Galician Marine Sciences Program, aimed at transforming and improving the resilience of the Galician sea, by coordinating and promoting research, technological development and dialogue between the scientific and innovation sector and society. The strategy focuses on marine science and seeks to foster collaboration between the Galician research community and the social, economic, and institutional agents linked to maritime-fishing activities.

It deals with three main action lines focused on marine observation and monitoring, aquaculture, and blue economy activities. It is coordinated by the IIM-CSIC, CETMAR and the Marine Research Centre of the University of Vigo (CIM). It counts with the participation of the Marine Research Centre (CIMA), the Galician Institute of Training in Aquaculture (Igafa), MeteoGalicia, the Technological Institute for the Control of the Marine Environment (INTECMAR), as well as the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC), the Galicia Supercomputing Centre (Cesga), the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the University of A Coruña (UdC).

It is financed with 10 million euros, of which 6 million are provided by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the EU Next Generation program funds, and 4 million by the Xunta de Galicia, through the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (FEMPA).

Specific Actions

There are 39 actions divided into 11 work packages. Data show that 110 events were carried out. Within the first line of action, Observation and Monitoring of the Marine Environment and the Coast, the accessibility of marine data has been strengthened through the BigData Marine Sciences platform. In addition, observation systems have been integrated with advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and drones to optimize environmental monitoring. Also, oceanographic, fishing and aquaculture prediction models have been improved, advancing in the design of a marine observation strategy for Galicia.

Within the “Sustainable, Intelligent and Precision Aquaculture” line, 90% of the mussel genome has been completed and the chromosomal assembly of Japanese clam has been achieved. Advanced genomic tools for bivalves and fish have been developed, and larval culture and cryopreservation systems have been optimized, improving the survival of cryopreserved larvae. In aquaculture health, diagnostic techniques and efficient feed formula from fish discards have been improved. There has also been progress in non-invasive biosensors for turbot and in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in offshore and recirculation systems. In octopus farming, welfare monitoring tools have been developed and biomarkers of health and stress have been identified.

Finally, in the third action, “Blue Economy, Innovation and Opportunities,” progress was made to characterize two non-coastal vectors of change, to integrate data in geo-visors and to develop models for the analysis of sectoral interdependence and the value of ecosystem services. Work also included a conceptual framework for the generation of knowledge, the identification of stakeholders in ocean literacy and the development of an inventory of good practices in citizen science. A catalogue of units of knowledge derived from the program was prepared to be transferred along with a training strategy with modules and self-assessment tools.

The Galician Marine Sciences Program also coordinates communication and dissemination activities to ensure the fulfilment of two objectives. These actions aim at allowing the transfer of knowledge, the visibility of results and the strengthening of synergies between stakeholders. It is remarked the meeting held last year at the Cidade da Cultura where more than 230 people participated presenting three dozen publications in national and international reference journals.

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